Wednesday, August 18, 2010


She asked, Anything in the world won't change forever?

I said, stone? love? bla bla bla?

she said, the only things that won't change is change.

Things changed day by day, due to a lot factors.
look back to some of my older posts.
many things changed.
Acute! change?

Too much.

Too much.

Too much.

Too sudden...

Silent, the night. I was here.
I was looking back my old memories.
Friendship. how awesome.

what should I do now?
I'm so confused.
Can I just give up? or you tell me.

I'm still the best in myself. no matter what.
That is the only thing won't change in me.

I don't tend to go anywhere else.

Once u hug me tight.

1 comment:

Engineer's Principles said...

...... use the coin if u dare not decide

human stupidity will not change, it is infinite.